// *** Update Record: construct a sql update statement and execute it MM_editAction = CGI.SCRIPT_NAME; If (CGI.QUERY_STRING NEQ "") MM_editAction = MM_editAction & "?" & CGI.QUERY_STRING; If (IsDefined("MM_update") AND IsDefined("MM_recordId")) { MM_datasource = "dunce"; MM_username = ""; MM_password = ""; MM_tableName = "foo_Program"; MM_tableCol = "ProgramEye"; MM_recordId = "" & MM_recordId & ""; MM_fields = "ProgramName,ProgramName,',none,'',ProgramLink,ProgramLink,',none,'',ProgramDescription,ProgramDescription,',none,'',ProgramAdminEye,ProgramAdminEye,none,none,NULL"; MM_redirectPage = "Program_View.txt"; // create the update sql statement MM_updateStr = "update " & MM_tableName & " set "; MM_fieldsArray = ListToArray(MM_fields,","); For (i=1; i+4 LE ArrayLen(MM_fieldsArray); i=i+5) { FormVal = IIf(IsDefined(MM_fieldsArray[i]),"FORM." & MM_fieldsArray[i],DE("")); Delim = IIf(MM_fieldsArray[i+2] NEQ "none","MM_fieldsArray[i+2]",DE("")); AltVal = IIf(MM_fieldsArray[i+3] NEQ "none","MM_fieldsArray[i+3]",DE("")); EmptyVal = IIf(MM_fieldsArray[i+4] NEQ "none","MM_fieldsArray[i+4]",DE("")); If (FormVal EQ "") { FormVal = EmptyVal; } Else { If (AltVal NEQ "") { FormVal = AltVal; } Else If (Delim EQ "'") { // escape quotes FormVal = "'" & Replace(FormVal,"'","''","ALL") & "'"; } Else { FormVal = Delim & FormVal & Delim; } } If (i GT 1) MM_updateStr = MM_updateStr & ","; MM_updateStr = MM_updateStr & MM_fieldsArray[i+1] & " = " & FormVal; } MM_updateStr = MM_updateStr & " where " & MM_tableCol & " = " & MM_recordId; // build the redirect URL If (MM_redirectPage EQ "") MM_redirectPage = CGI.SCRIPT_NAME; If (Find("?", MM_redirectPage) EQ 0 AND CGI.QUERY_STRING NEQ "") MM_redirectPage = MM_redirectPage & "?" & CGI.QUERY_STRING; } #PreserveSingleQuotes(MM_insertStr)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(MM_deleteStr)# #PreserveSingleQuotes(MM_updateStr)# SELECT EmployeeEye, FirstName, LastName FROM dbo.tble_Employee ORDER BY LastName DESC SELECT ProgramEye, ProgramName, ProgramLink, ProgramDescription, ProgramAdminEye, ProgramDirectory, UploadedFileName FROM foo_Program WHERE ProgramEye = #editProgram__MMColParam# MM_paramName = ""; // *** Go To Record and Move To Record: create strings for maintaining URL and Form parameters // create the list of parameters which should not be maintained MM_removeList = "&index="; If (MM_paramName NEQ "") MM_removeList = MM_removeList & "&" & MM_paramName & "="; MM_keepURL=""; MM_keepForm=""; MM_keepBoth=""; MM_keepNone=""; // add the existing URL parameters to the MM_keepURL string MM_params=ListToArray(CGI.QUERY_STRING,"&"); For (i=1; i LTE ArrayLen(MM_params); i=i+1) { If (FindNoCase("&" & GetToken(MM_params[i],1,"=") & "=",MM_removeList) Is 0) MM_keepURL = MM_keepURL & "&" & MM_params[i]; } // add the existing Form variables to the MM_keepForm string If (IsDefined("FORM.FieldNames")) { MM_params=ListToArray(FORM.FieldNames,","); For (i=1; i LTE ArrayLen(MM_params); i=i+1) { If (FindNoCase("&" & MM_params[i] & "=",MM_removeList) Is 0) MM_keepForm = MM_keepForm & "&" & LCase(MM_params[i]) & "=" & URLEncodedFormat(Evaluate("FORM." & MM_params[i])); } } // create the Form + URL string and remove the intial '&' from each of the strings MM_keepBoth = MM_keepURL & MM_keepForm; If (MM_keepURL NEQ "") MM_keepURL = RemoveChars(MM_keepURL,1,1); If (MM_keepForm NEQ "") MM_keepForm = RemoveChars(MM_keepForm,1,1); If (MM_keepBoth NEQ "") MM_keepBoth = RemoveChars(MM_keepBoth,1,1);
Program Update

Update Program
title :

Link :

Description :
Admin :