SELECT ClassEye, Classtitle, ClassDescription FROM foo_Class WHERE ClassEye = #editClass__MMColParam# SELECT foo_Calendar.CalendarEye, foo_Calendar.OfficeEye, foo_Calendar.Calendar_Date, foo_Calendar.Calendar_Time, foo_Calendar.Calendar_Duration, foo_Calendar.Class_Size, foo_Calendar.Class_Size_Current, foo_Calendar.Calendar_Notes, foo_Calendar.RoomEye, foo_Calendar.ClassEye, foo_Calendar.ProgramEye, foo_Calendar.InstructorEye, foo_Calendar.ContactEye, foo_Calendar.CreateLink, foo_Class.ClassEye, foo_Class.Classtitle, foo_Instructor.InstructorEye, foo_Instructor.FirstName, foo_Instructor.LastName, foo_Instructor.Email, foo_Program.ProgramEye, foo_Program.ProgramLink, foo_Room.RoomEye, foo_Room.RoomName FROM foo_Calendar, foo_Class, foo_Instructor, foo_Program, foo_Room WHERE foo_Calendar.CalendarEye = #CalendarView__MMColParam# AND foo_Class.ClassEye = foo_Calendar.ClassEye AND foo_Instructor.InstructorEye = foo_Calendar.InstructorEye AND foo_Program.ProgramEye = foo_Calendar.ProgramEye AND foo_Room.RoomEye = foo_Calendar.RoomEye SELECT OfficeEye, City FROM tble_Office WHERE OfficeEye = '#CalendarView.OfficeEye#' SELECT tble_Office.OfficeEye, tble_Office.City, tble_Studio.StudioEye, tble_Studio.OfficeEye, tble_Studio.StudioName, tble_Employee.EmployeeEye, tble_Employee.StudioEye, tble_Employee.StatusEye, RTRIM(tble_Employee.LastName) + ' ' + RTRIM(tble_Employee.FirstName) AS Emp_Name FROM tble_Office, tble_Studio, tble_Employee WHERE tble_Office.OfficeEye = tble_Studio.OfficeEye AND tble_Studio.StudioEye = tble_Employee.StudioEye AND tble_Employee.StatusEye IN (1, 2) ORDER BY tble_Office.City, tble_Employee.LastName; SELECT EmployeeEye, FirstName, LastName, Email FROM tble_Employee WHERE EmployeeEye NOT IN (474,476,477,478,479,480,481,482,483,484,485,486,487,488,489,490,491,492,493,494,495,501,505,506) ORDER BY LastName ASC; SELECT CalendarEye, ClassEye, ContactEye FROM foo_Calendar WHERE CalendarEye = #ContactName__MMColParam# SELECT EmployeeEye, FirstName, LastName, Email FROM tble_Employee WHERE EmployeeEye = '#ContactName1.ContactEye#' Education Class Sign Up There is no class to sign up for. MM_paramName = ""; // *** Go To Record and Move To Record: create strings for maintaining URL and Form parameters // create the list of parameters which should not be maintained MM_removeList = "&index="; If (MM_paramName NEQ "") MM_removeList = MM_removeList & "&" & MM_paramName & "="; MM_keepURL=""; MM_keepForm=""; MM_keepBoth=""; MM_keepNone=""; // add the existing URL parameters to the MM_keepURL string MM_params=ListToArray(CGI.QUERY_StrING,"&"); For (i=1; i LTE ArrayLen(MM_params); i=i+1) { If (FindNoCase("&" & GetToken(MM_params[i],1,"=") & "=",MM_removeList) Is 0) MM_keepURL = MM_keepURL & "&" & MM_params[i]; } // add the existing Form variables to the MM_keepForm string If (IsDefined("FORM.FieldNames")) { MM_params=ListToArray(FORM.FieldNames,","); For (i=1; i LTE ArrayLen(MM_params); i=i+1) { If (FindNoCase("&" & MM_params[i] & "=",MM_removeList) Is 0) MM_keepForm = MM_keepForm & "&" & LCase(MM_params[i]) & "=" & URLEncodedFormat(Evaluate("FORM." & MM_params[i])); } } // create the Form + URL string and remove the intial '&' from each of the strings MM_keepBoth = MM_keepURL & MM_keepForm; If (MM_keepURL NEQ "") MM_keepURL = RemoveChars(MM_keepURL,1,1); If (MM_keepForm NEQ "") MM_keepForm = RemoveChars(MM_keepForm,1,1); If (MM_keepBoth NEQ "") MM_keepBoth = RemoveChars(MM_keepBoth,1,1); // *** Recordset Stats, Move To Record, and Go To Record: set stats variables // set the record count CalendarView_total = CalendarView.RecordCount; // set the number of rows displayed on this page If (CalendarView_NumRows LT 0 OR CalendarView_NumRows GT CalendarView_total) { CalendarView_NumRows = CalendarView_total; } Else If (CalendarView_NumRows EQ 0) { CalendarView_NumRows = 1; } // set the first and last displayed record CalendarView_first = Min(1, CalendarView_total); CalendarView_last = Min(CalendarView_NumRows, CalendarView_total);
Sign Up Page

Please select your name at the bottom of the form.
To sign up for the Course " #CalendarView.Classtitle# "
On the Date & Time " # LSDateFormat(CalendarView.Calendar_Date, 'DDDD, MMMM DD, YYYY') # at # LSTimeFormat(CalendarView.Calendar_Time) # "

Office #QRYoffice.City#
Course Instructor
#CalendarView.FirstName# #CalendarView.LastName#
Contact Name #ContactName.FirstName# #ContactName.LastName#
Course Room
Start Date # LSDateFormat(CalendarView.Calendar_Date, 'DDDD, MMMM DD, YYYY') #
Start Time
# LSTimeFormat(CalendarView.Calendar_Time) #
Class Size [Total Seats]
Seats Taken
Office :