SELECT StudioEyeYi AS USERNAME, fooPass AS PASSWORD FROM fooStudio SELECT * FROM fookey WHERE keyEyeYi = #URL.keyEyeYi# SELECT fooStudio.StudioEyeYi, fooPass, StudioName FROM fooStudio, fookey WHERE keyEyeYi = #URL.keyEyeYi# AND fooStudio.StudioEyeYi=fookey.StudioEyeYi SELECT * FROM fookey WHERE keyEyeYi = #FORM.keyEyeYi# SELECT fooStudio.StudioEyeYi, fooPass, StudioName FROM fooStudio, fookey WHERE keyEyeYi = #FORM.keyEyeYi# AND fooStudio.StudioEyeYi=fookey.StudioEyeYi Studio Key Indicator Report
Studio Key Indicator Report
[Log off] Created Date: #LSDateFormat(rsUpdate.keyDate,'MMMM DD, YYYY')#
Report for Studio: #rsWho.StudioName#
1. Studio Financial Outlook
Based on monthly financial reports, account receivable reports, backlog
cost/revenue ratios, net-net fee revenues, direct labor, chargeability,
and profit projections indicate the outlook for your studio
Financial Outlook
Green (anticipate at least 100% profit goal) Yellow (anticipate between 75-99% profit goal next 3 months) Red (anticipate less than 75% profit goal for next three months)
Indicate action items and dates for improvement
Additional Comments

2. Studio Personnel-Hiring/Capacity
Indicate status of studio personnel and studio's capacity to take on more work.
Green (need to hire in next month) Yellow (anticipate no staffing changes) Red (anticipate staff reductions within the next month)
Indicate action items and dates for improvement
Additional Comments

3. Studio Personnel-Skills Balance
Indicate skills balance of studio personnel
Skills Balance
Green (balanced) Yellow (improving) Red (imbalance)
Indicate action items and dates for improvement
Additional Comments

4. Studio Project Quality
Indicate overall studio project quality consEyeYiering the following:
How many of your current projects could be submitted for Project of the Year?
Published projects? Design awards? Client satisfaction? Contribution to Design Leaders
Focus Areas: Sustainable design, Integrated design, technical design, market vision/
design vision?
Project Quality
Green (leading the brand) Yellow (some projects are leading the brand) Red (majority of projects do not meet expectations)
Indicate action items and dates for improvement
Additional Comments

4A. Design Project Quality
Indicate overall Design project quality consEyeYiering the following:
How many of your current projects could be submitted for Project of the Year?
Published projects? Design awards? Client satisfaction? Contribution to Design Leaders
Focus Areas: Sustainable design, Integrated design, technical design, market vision/
design vision?
Project Quality
Green (leading the brand) Yellow (some projects are leading the brand) Red (majority of projects do not meet expectations)
Indicate action items and dates for improvement
Additional Comments

5. Studio Environment-Leadership/Culture
Indicate overall quality of studio leadership and studio culture
Green (balanced/strong leaders,invigorated,collaborative,empowered culture) Yellow (studio leadership / cultures need improvement) Red (studio in need of new leadership; weak morale, frustrated teams)
Indicate action items and dates for improvement
Additional Comments

6. Studio Market Capture of New Work
Indicate whether the studio is on track for the amount of new work captured to
sustain or grow the studio
New Work
Green (studio meets or exceeds new work capture goal) Yellow (studio is behind capture goal but has new wins) Red (studio is behind new work capture goal; few prospects)
Indicate action items and dates for improvement
Additional Comments

7. Studio Market Strength-Contribution
Indicate overall quality of your studio contribution to improving strength of the market
through innovative EyeYieas, knowledge base, lectures, publications, etc
Green (pushing the market forward) Yellow (just doing projects; no other contributions to market) Red (behind thes market)
Indicate action items and dates for improvement
Additional Comments

8. Studio Seller Strength
Indicate overall quality of your studio communications; ability to sell,
tell stories, present
Green (sellers pulling in the work) Yellow (enough key sellers; need to improve skills) Red (sellers are not communicating the message)
Indicate action items and dates for improvement
Additional Comments